You know what they say...April showers bring May flowers, and that’s so true as my basil is blooming, my bell peppers have blossomed, and my lavender is slowly flowering. My proverbial garden of to-dos has also seen some growth over the past month (because, lemme tell ya, April was very rainy in more ways than one 😅), and I’m so excited to share it all with y’all today!
Have y’all seen some growth this spring? Are you ready for May...or are you astounded at how fast time as flown?
Y’all can probably guess which one I am. Not only is it May already…today is The Day™. The day I “officially” graduate from high school. Technically, I’ve been “graduated” since I finished my last college class for my marketing certification in October, but homeschooler or not, we were gonna do things right and wait for May. 😉
I literally cannot believe I’m actually graduated...and about to be eighteen...and, you know, part of the real world now. 😬 I’m not ready, guys. I feel like I was JUST starting kindergarten yesterday, y’all.
ANYWAY. Enough of my “pre-life” crisis...on to my goals for this month! (I know y’all probably get tired of reading my to-dos, but this is really beneficial for me to have some accountability and to keep up with everything I need to get done. So thank y’all for suffering through it for me! 🥰)
what i did last month
April’s goals were so straightforward—finish everything.
And crazily enough...I kinda did.
I finished my website commission, which took much longer than it was supposed to because of how busy March and April were.
I finished Her Heart’s Home—thank God!!! Although I do still have some edits to do, so it’s not done done. But I finally finished writing, so the important part is done. 😂
I finished one (of four) editing projects...which was a doozy, y’all!
I also wanted to update my website and Patreon in April—which obviously didn’t happen—and read/post more. Unfortunately, I only got in five blog posts (again) last month, and I only read three books. *sighs*
BUT...I did a lot of other things too that are worth noting…
I started learning French, which I’ve wanted to do for y e a r s. I put together some gifts for friends (one of my love languages 😊). I experimented in the kitchen with teas and desserts (also a love language 😁). My sister and I did a photo shoot with a friend from church who is a fantastic photographer. I did Bible studies with my virtual friends. Fun stuff like that. 😂
this month's goals
As for May…
Naturally, I wanna edit Her Heart’s Home before my deadline of the 10th…
I wanna finish another editing project or two…
I wanna focus on posting, reading, and reviewing more…
I wanna FINALLY start writing Something Bright & Beautiful…
I wanna (also finally) update my website…
You get the idea.
monthly progress
Well, I probably only wrote a few hundred to a thousand words in Her Heart’s Home, finishing it up.
reading highlights
As I mentioned before, I only read a handful for books...but what I lacked in quantity, I more than made up for in quality!
I read The Words We Lost by Nicole Deese, which was PHENOMENAL!!! I cannot wait to share my review! (You can learn more about it here!)
Equally amazing was May We Make Them Proud by my beloved twin sister Issabelle Perry! Also gonna review it soon—but until then, make sure you preorder your own copy here!
top blog posts
Once again, with only five posts, picking a top two is pretty straightforward…
My “Welcome to April” post was of course my #1 post last month, and right behind it was a rare writing advice post on first chapters!
follower updates
Now, for my updates for y’all...I have not one but TWO forms! (Am I the only one who likes forms? I am? Oh. Well.)
If you’ve read Held Captive and loved it, or hated it, or just felt so-so about it...I need your advice! I plan on rewriting it at some point, so all your thoughts and critiques and feedback would be greatly appreciated! Y’all can find my feedback form here!
And I’ve decided to start yet another Q&A series...this time on author websites! Whether you have one or are looking into one, any questions you have about design, platforms, and more can go in this form, and I’ll be answering them in a few upcoming posts!
Y’all know the drill...we’ve made it to the end of the post, and I wanna know what YOUR goals are. What was your favorite read from last month? Fun things you did or accomplished? Your favorite part of spring? Let me know all about it in the comments!!
yours in spirit & script,
#monthlygoals #monthlyupdates #monthlyprogress #welcometomay #monthlywrapup #goals #wrapup #updates #progress #progressreport #readinghighlights #reading #feedback #forms #websiteqanda #qanda #heldcaptive #topblogposts
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Congrats on graduating, Grace!! *shoots confetti canon and passes out celebratory chocolate* And Happy Birthday too! I remember my younger sister learned French awhile back and really liked it (are you using Duolingo?)
It doth be the 2nd already! Time does sure blaze past in a dazzle.
Great goals! Here's hoping you get them all done!🤞😁
And graduation!! EXCITING!! Are you thinking of collage or anything extra school?
Happy May!
Warmth, sun and brilliant blue skies have arrived in England so it does truly feel like spring now.(thought also crazy that next month we are already half way through the year)
Wow, way to go for all you accomplished in April! And best wishes for getting everything that needs doing in May done!
To be honest, I hardly read or wrote in April. ( I spent it all working on a farm --lambs!!-- which was super fun but I am looking forward to getting back on track with finishing up my book)
Oooh, Congratulations on Graduating!!! Woo hoo! What a milestone. I don't graduate until the first week of June, but I know the feelings!- excited and and…
Congrats on graduating!!!!!
AHHHH!! Congratulations on your graduation, Grace!!!! *showers you with chocolate and confetti* Lol, I'm graduating later on in May and I do not feel ready either... 😅 I'm beginning to wonder if anyone ever does. Yay for more forms!! I filled out the HC rewrite one (hopefully some of it makes sense and is helpful...) and am in the process of thinking of my most pressing questions for the author website Q&A. 😄 (And btw, I actually enjoy reading your to-dos each month, so don't think everyone's "suffering" through it! 😜)