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Welcome to July! (June Wrapup + July Goals)

Writer: Grace A. JohnsonGrace A. Johnson

Updated: Jul 2, 2022

For once, I am actually glad another month has passed! June is, naturally, my new least favorite month of the year…not that I’m very fond of any of the summer months. Believe it or not, I am NOT a summer girl. *shudders*

But enough about that! I hope y’all have been enjoying the deathly heat—maybe y’all had sense enough to vacation in the Alps or something. *winks* Speaking of vacation, that is the excuse I’m giving for not having completed everything on my to-do list this month. And the same excuse for spending wayyyy too much money.

*coughs* Moving on...


what i did last month

I (fortunately) went easy on myself at the beginning of June and just committed to Bound and Determined and Tell Me You Love Me. Now, I haven’t made much progress on the first, but TMYLM is now in the hands of betas! *cheers*

I did, however, post pretty consistently on Instagram, beta read several chapters of the lovely Issabelle Perry’s latest project, and get started on a new editing project with S&J Editors! Oh, and I wrote something special I’ll talk about in just a minute!


this month’s goals

Again, BAD. (No surprise there.) I also have that beta reading and editing to finish up…a few posts to share and reviews to write…and a COVER REVEAL!!!!!! Y’all can sign up HERE!!


monthly progress

I actually wrote 4k in June! *mind blows* I literally crammed to write and submit a short story for Sisters Three’s anthology! Granted, it probably won’t be included (I fudged the rules with a dual POV historical romance), but it was SO fun to write! I also had enough time to put together a Pinterest board for it…if y’all wanna get an idea of The Girl in the Pages and what it’s about, just scroll through my 109 pins here!


reading highlights

Reading in June certainly had its ups and downs (more downs than ups, really, and that’s out of the mere five books I read).

The best books I read boils down to Much Ado About Persuasion by Barbara Cornthwaite (review here) and Once I Knew by Victoria Lynn (review coming on July 22nd)! These two captivated me fully, and their many good qualities far outweighed the few things I could nitpick about!


top blog posts


guest appearances

Yep, it’s back, baby! I had several posts go live on two different blogs last month…two of mine on Kingdom Pen were reshares of old posts (3 Lessons I Learned as a Young Writer and How to Pants—Successfully Write a Novel Without an Outline) and one was brand-spankin’-new (Free Ways to Edit and Proofread Your Novel Manuscript). And I won Joelle Stone’s short story contest, so my untitled story was posted on her blog, Sword of the Penmaiden, and she shared another guest post of mine full of writing prompts!


Now, before I go, DON’T FORGET to sign up for the Bound and Determined cover reveal! If you have a blog, newsletter, or any kind of social media, then you can share the cover when I finally reveal it to the world on July 10th!

Welp, I’m off to edit until my eyeballs fall out of my head! Y’all have an epic July and a blessed Independence Day!

yours in spirit and script,




Ahhhh, Grace, don't...Don't let your eyeballs fall out. Please. That's not good for your health in general LOL!

But ooh, prithee, you wrote a story for an anthology yourself?? And it's a historical romance???? *eyeballs you* Thou hast captivated me...

And I suppose I shall excuse you for not liking summer. XD You need to go swimming to make yourself feel better!! (Maybe I'll just smuggle you in the back of the church van for church camp Lord willing...and then let you form your habitat by the pool...XD.)

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson

Definitely tragic. Totally and thoroughly tragic. (Oof. XD)


Kristina Hall

Rule #1 about editing ... Keep your eyeballs in your head at all times 🤣

I'm so excited to read Tell Me You Love Me! When will it be ready for ARCs??

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson

Awesome! :D


Saraina Whitney

YOU'RE NOT A SUMMER GIRL? Treason! Lol jk. If it mainly has to do with the heat, then I totally get it, because I hate being outside on hot summer days. I guess I just like the fun vibes, splashing around in the pool, bright sunshine, that kind of thing. 😜

Ohhh I absolutely love the Girl in the Pages Pinterest board!!! I hope it's included in the anthology!! I can't WAIT to read it. :D

And a new post of yours on Kingdom Pen? Yay!!! *rushes off to read it*

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson

NO KIDDING! Wait. WHAT?! GIRL SHE MUST BE CRAZY!! (No offense, of course. More power to her!)



Vanessa Hall

"I’m off to edit until my eyeballs fall out of my head!"

That is a horribly correct description of what editing can feel like, haha! But you're getting closer with every single word, so yay!

Oooh, and do we get to read your short story even if it's not included in the anthology? I'm highly intrigued just by looking at your pinterest board. 😂

Also, can't wait for that cover reveal!!! 😀

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson

Augh, I know, right? *groans* True, true! Made it to Chapter 20 last night! Only forty-some to go!

Absolutely!!! :D


Rylie Goodwin

Ohh, awesome month!!!! I'm SO EXCITED TO READ TELL ME YOU LOVE ME!!! lol I read one of the stories cause the writer let me read it, and it was amazing! So I can't wait for the whole thing!! loll *thinks 4K is a ton of words* *checks personal tracking spreadsheet for writing* *realizes she also wrote 4K in June* Never thought I'd say that. XDD Never thought I'd be writing a novel. Never thought I'd be writing at least 100 words every day. lol Well, I guess things change. XD Ohh, I REALLY wanna read Once I Knew! Just give me a quick recap of your review. Was it good or bad? XD *goes to check out those guest…

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson

Ooh, yes! Hers was so good!!! You're welcome! :)


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