I’d open with an April Fool’s joke, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. I tried the whole “guess what, my book’s gonna be a movie prank,” but it kinda fell flat. 😔
April hath arrived, lovelies! I’m still reeling, because it was just Christmas, y’all. But I’m moderately excited to see what April brings—especially to see if I can get more work done than I did in March. 😬
You know. Something just hit me. I’m writing this intro after I’ve written the body of the post (I’m weird like that), and I realized that in every single updates post, I manage to complain about pretty much everything. Not in a whiny way, but in a disappointed, why-does-time-have-to-fly and why-didn’t-I-get-anything-done-last-month kinda way.
SO before I talk about anything else, I wanna take some time to be grateful for what I have accomplished and for what time I do have.
*takes in a deep breath and reflects on life* I got to make some gorgeous art and delicious food. I drank way too much coffee, but it was scrumptious and I have no regrets. I planted herbs, which is literally a dream come true, because I’ve wanted an herb garden for literal years. I have a part-part-part-time job as a virtual assistant, which is such a blessing, and I’ve been working my nana’s store whenever she’s out, which has given me some amazing quiet time to work.
And I led the youth worship night (which was hosted at our house) with my sweet friend Madison and the pastor’s oldest son but we don’t count him because he was an underling Madison recruited, even though it wouldn’t have been half as amazing without him because he has the voice of an angel.
And I started a Bible study for Lent, which requires me (okay, I’m requiring myself, because I invented the study) getting up early in the morning to read, pray, and journal when it’s still quiet—and I’ve read three of the Gospels, am almost finished with John, and will have read all four and Romans by Easter. Which has been so amazing, because I feel like I’m actually meditating on what I read and soaking it in!
So March...March was good. It wasn’t what I’d expected, but it was still good, because God is good.
what i did last month
Last month’s goals were simple: do what I didn’t in February + update my website, relaunch my Patreon, and post consistently on S&J Editor’s Instagram.
Ha. Ha ha ha.
Y’all, March was insanity. I managed to finish two read-throughs for editing projects, but none of them are done done; I did some work on one website, but it’s still not finished; I wrote a good bit in Her Heart’s Home, but it’s overdue and yet unfinished; I obviously didn’t update my website or relaunch my Patreon (although I made progress in both of those areas); I only wrote FIVE blog posts last month, which is an all-time low.
I honestly don’t know what I did last month.
I started a new Instagram for faith, encouragement, and femininity…
I put in six hours as a virtual assistant…
I worked three days at my nana’s store…
I did some beta-reading…
I celebrated four years of Held Captive…
I planted an herb garden…
I started a Bible study with my online friend group…
I created some mail art and participated in a lettering challenge...
I mean, I did things, but I didn’t accomplish things, which makes me feel, well, unaccomplished.
this month’s goals
Well, y’all can probably guess what my goals are for April…
~ finish my website commission
~ finish Her Heart’s Home
~ finish two-to-four editing projects
~ update all the things I wanna update of mine
~ post more than five times and read more than five books
Yeah. We’ll see how that goes.
monthly progress
I wrote between 4k-5k in March...which is the most fiction writing I’ve done in a month since last March. It’s been hard, and yet last night (March 30th), I wrote 1,123 words in a sitting...and guys...it was wonderful. I’d not felt so accomplished the entire month until I saw my word count. 😅 If you wanna hear more about my writing struggles, consider becoming a patron! I hope to start a new article series chronicling my return to writing!
reading highlights
Let’s see...officially, I read The Metropolitan Affair by Jocelyn Green and The Counterfeit Wife by Paulett Golden...and unofficially I re-read The Dressmaker’s Secret by Kellyn Roth (part of my VA work, but also enjoyable)!
And that was it.
top blog posts
About that. Since I only published five posts in March, I could put every single one on this list and it’d still be short.
Anyway, my top post is (of course) my post celebrating Held Captive’s bookiversary! In the number two spot is when I introduced everyone to my latest project, Her Heart’s Home!
guest appearances
As promised, I guest posted on Joy Calle Martinez’s blog, sharing my thoughts on overcoming the lies negative feedback feeds! Y’all can check it out here! I’d love to hear what you think!
Well, folks. Welcome to April. Here’s to progress beyond our wildest imaginations, sisters who send gifs of mac and cheese because they want to annoy you, and actually getting stuff done in this month of rain showers and foolish jokes! 😉 Oh, and if anyone is interested in receiving some happy mail + art in their mailbox, drop this emoji 💌 down in the comments!
Seriously, though, I hope y’all have an amazing April and had a marvelous March! I’d love to hear all about your goals and favorite reads and writing in the comments below! 💕
What is a virtual assistant?
Haha, good wrap up! Where did Christmas go? 🤔
Happy April!!
I'm only getting this now as we've not really had wifi like at all this month. (It's been a super crazy and learning to trust God month -- what you said, 'but it was still good, because God is good.' so true!)
It sounds like you were still able to do a lot and have some good memory making in March!
I hope you have a lovely April and are able to get the things done that you want! That bible study you are doing sounds lovely!
(and ah, I can't find that emoji anywhere!)
I've not read, written or done much last month... like I mentioned it's been pretty crazy moving around and stuff, but yes, still…
You accomplished a ton last month!!!!
“I did things, but I didn’t accomplish things, which makes me feel, well, unaccomplished.” Possibly the most relatable thing I’ve heard all day.💌
Glad to hear about your March. Even though it was tinged with *unaccomplishment,* it sounds like blessings still slipped through the cracks. :)
Sending smiles and gratitude🫶🥰
This was so fun to read, Grace! 💌
I had no idea that mac & cheese GIFs were a thing. Now I want one. It is literally my favorite food. ;)
Kudos to you for all the hard work and reading you've done for the past month! Here's to a more productive, blessed and successful April! <3