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The Sunshine Blogger Award #3

Writer's picture: Grace A. JohnsonGrace A. Johnson

Once again, I have been nominated for the fantastic Sunshine Blogger Award, this time by the lovely R.M. Archer! You can check out her post here, and you can read my previous posts here and here!

Now, without further (or, well, any) ado...


The Rules

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog (thank you, R.M.!!)

  • Answer the questions

  • Nominate eleven bloggers and ask them eleven questions


The Questions

1. Who is your favorite musician right now?

Dangit, girl! If only you’d asked me this six months ago, I could’ve given you an answer! Now, I can’t pick just one favorite! Honestly, it’s a tie between Lifehouse, Hawk Nelson (the original one), Relient K, and a myriad of other groups, from Jeremy Camp to Red to Parachute.

2. What is your favorite color and why?

I don’t necessarily have a favorite color, mainly because I like certain ones for certain reasons (and dislike others for certain reasons)...but I am rather fond of sage green and this strange pinkish orangey beige rose color here on my website. Lately, any softer shade of pink has been catching my eye, actually.

3. What are some of your favorite words?

Favorite words? Oy, this’ll be fun! There are SO many and, again, for so many reasons! I love the imagery of words like scathing, the archaic-ness of words like sooth, the metaphors I can make with dance, the meaning of the word kiss.

I need to make a list, because I could so go on forever…

4. What would be your dream book to find on the shelf? (Be as specific as you’d like!)

Dream book? Yikes! Right now, I would LOVE to have a beautiful copy of Pride and Prejudice pop up on a shelf...wait. No. That reminds me. The Penguin clothbound classics. I know that’s more than one book, but y’all. Who would not want all that loveliness on their shelf?

5. Do you play any video games?

Once upon a time, I tried my hand at a few. Unfortunately, I’ve not the time nor the patience nor the desire to play video games. I did, however, waste my entire childhood on computer games and apps like Township and Candy Crush.

6. What book are you most excited to read this year?

I will literally be here all day listing all the books I’m excited about this year (because y’all seriously don’t expect me to pick the “one” I’m “most” excited about, do you?), so let me direct y’all to my votes on this fantastic Goodreads list! These are just a few books I am super excited to read this year!

(I will give a shout-out to a few, though. ‘Cuz why not? I absolutely cannot wait for my ARC copy of Calligraphy Guild by R.M. Archer, which is sure to be a pleasure to read, and y’all. When my preorder copy of The Reflections by E.K. Seaver comes in...I will probably scream.)

7. What’s something you find restful that a lot of people don’t enjoy?

Reading. Then again, most people outside of my family do find reading restful, so…

I don’t know. I don’t do a lot of typical “resting.” To me, listening to rock ballads while cooking or baking is restful. Honestly, working is restful. I enjoy working.

(By working, I do not mean pulling weeds and chopping down trees. I mean writing, marketing, work.)

Otherwise, sleep. Food and sleep. Which everyone considers restful, so, yeah. I got nothin’.

8. If you gave a TEDtalk, what would the topic be? (If you want, write up a preview. 😉)


Ahem. Numeral injustice, perhaps?

No, seriously, I’d probably do it on writing/self-publishing! I could go on for hours!

9. How many books are on your TBR?

Don’t...don’t even ask. That’s not a plausible question, because I (a) have a Kindle TBR of about 250 books (150 of which aren’t on my Goodreads), (b) have a physical TBR, and (c) have a Goodreads TBR (that you can check out here). Not even Goodreads has them all, though.

10. Libraries or bookstores?

Once upon a time, I would’ve said libraries. (I used to be a serious library girl. Like, my best Christmas present was a library card; I never bought or owned my own books; I went to the library every week.) But after a while, I began to realize that (a) it’s much simpler to buy the book and keep it forever than request it from the library eighty times, (b) the library doesn’t have everything I want to read (especially my local library), and (c) I get very, very possessive of my books.

11. What’s your favorite piece of classic literature?

Finally! A “one” question I can answer, praise God!

Pride and Prejudice. Always and forever, Pride and Prejudice.

Then again, I haven’t read a lot of classic lit...which is gonna change, because I just got a HUGE stack of classic lit collections from a local flea market...actually, I’mma share a pic.

See what I mean? I’ve got a loooot of reading to do!


My Nominees + Questions

I nominate…

My questions for y’all (don’t feel obligated to pick only one *winks*)…

  • If you could spend a day with anyone, dead or alive or fictional, who would it be?

  • Would you rather live in the Wild West or the Dark Ages?

  • Unicorn or mermaid (this is important, folks)?

  • What is the most expensive thing you ever bought for yourself?

  • If you could travel into any fictional world, which one would it be?

  • What’s your least favorite movie ever?

  • Dream car (or truck...or any other mode of transportation)?

  • Have you ever flown before? If so, where to? If not, would you like to one day?

  • Favorite Bible verse/passage?

  • You’ve just been elected President of the United States...what’s the first thing you do?

  • What’s something super popular now that you just can’t stand (i.e., pop music, Bridgerton, acid wash jeans)?


Y'all feel free to answer any of these questions in the comments as well! (And rant about those terrible-but-popular-things...I could go on about the ever-popular "period dramas" all day! *winks*)

What about y'all? What are y'all looking for the reading this spring? Any new or unknown books coming out you'd like to share? How's your spring been so far? (Yes, I'm gonna ask y'all every question I can think of...and say y'all as many times as I can. *grins*)

Y'all's in spirit and script,



Saraina Whitney
Apr 07, 2022

Thank you for the tag!! Lol YES, numeral injustice!!! It is a real thing. *sighs deeply* Also, I love sage green too - such a pretty color. 😍

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
May 27, 2022
Replying to


You're so welcome, girl!!! And, yes, it is! YEESSS!!!


Mar 31, 2022

So fun Grace! I always love reading your tags. What an awesome collection of classics you were able to get; they are so beautiful! Enjoy them!

hehe, when you said "have you ever flown before" it took a moment for me to realize that of course you meant by plane and not with pixie dust or dragon. ;) (To which the answer is yes, two cross Atlantic moves, once to New Zealand.) And to be honest, I don't think I am into anything at all that is popular in England right now... I'm a slight 'old fashioned' in many views and hobbies ;)

Anyways, great post! Thanks for sharing!

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Apr 01, 2022
Replying to

*sighs* Same here. *sniffs*


Vanessa Hall
Mar 30, 2022

So much fun. And the pictures are so pretty! 😍

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Apr 01, 2022
Replying to

Thank you!!! :D


Lily Keith
Mar 30, 2022

I'd love to hear a TEDtalk about number discrimination XD I think you'd do great at it!

Oof, as for mermaid or unicorn...well, I guess I'd have to go for the latter. Anything else, and my sister won't forgive me for not bringing a unicorn home XD.

How's the start to your spring, Grace? Are things warming up, or still rather cold (the weather can't make up its mind in our state *haha*).

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Apr 02, 2022
Replying to

Ikr? XD

Haha, no problem! ;)

I...I must agree to disagree with you there. *hides*


Joelle Stone
Mar 29, 2022

AHHH TAGGED AGAIN!! Thanks, Grace, can't wait to do it!! And great answers, BTW. ;)

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Mar 29, 2022
Replying to

YES GIRL!! You're so welcome! Aw, thanks! :D


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