The contest has ended, dear writers and readers. And, y'all, I am so full of gratitude right now that I could just cri, as my friend says.
I received a total of ten entries. That means ten fantastic writers took time out of their month, their week, their day, the time they should be sleeping...to write a short story for little more than some recognition in my eensy weensy community here. That means ten amazing stories have been written...
And I can only share one. Seriously, you guys, there was nearly a three (possibly four) way tie, because ALL of these stories were amazing. And because of that (and the fact that there will only be one winner), I wanted to recognize each of the entrants here and let y'all give them a big round of applause.
Grey S. Park
Linyang Zhang
Issabelle Perry
Katherine Perry
Lydia Smith
Joelle Stone
Cathy Rose
Sami Eastwood
Relia Specht
Abigail Metzger
Thank y'all for taking the time to submit a story! I wish you all could win, but, sadly, I've rigged this contest so you can't. (I know, my bad. Should've picked ten winners, right?) Special thanks to the lovely girls at Teen Writers' Nook for sharing about this contest and a super special thanks to my friend Emily for helping me pick a winner! I was so in love with all of these stories that I needed a second opinion.
In the end, we found our winner, and I just want all of you to know that y'all's writing is SPECTACULAR and your stories are FABULOUS! If you didn't win, feel free to share your story on your own blog or social media or what have you! It deserves to be read! (Or, you know, submit for Imagine, which I shared about here!)
Oh, and speaking of, for those who requested feedback, I will be getting to that over the next few days! I can't promise y'all much, because like I said, your submissions were marvelous! But ask and ye shall receive, right?
And just a reminder: the winning story will be shared on June 20th, so stay tuned to read the story that captured both mine and Emily's hearts!
As always, keep writing and peace out, my lovelies! (I'mma seriously have to come up with a better closing phrase.)
Cheers to all who entered!!!!!👏 WOO-HOOO!!!!! I'm sure you all did MAGNIFICENT!!!!!!!!! Great job, everyone!!!!!!!
And thank you so much, Grace, for hosting this contest!!!!!!!! I had so much fun writing!!!!!! :D
Congrats to everyone who wrote a story! Eeek, I can't wait to read the winner and all the (maybe-if-you-wanna-share-it-somewhere-cuz-I'd-love-to-read-them) contestants' stories! And cheers to Grace for hosting the contest, it was really fun :)
WHOO-HOO!!! I'm so excited to read the winning story!!! Congrats to all of the writers and whoever the winner is!! I'm sure all of your stories were A M A Z I N G!!!!
Yay, I can't wait to see who won (and I'm sure your story is fantastic, @whoever-it-is)! Thx for hosting the contest, Grace. :)