I am super duper excited to announce that Six O'clock, my first release this year, is completely FREEEEEE!!!!! Well, from the 27th (aka today) until the 30th, that is! Then the price is going down to $0.99 FOREVER!!!!
Isn't this exciting?
Anyway, take a gander at the book here...

Then snag your copy here...
Oh, and while you're at it...
I'm considering having a new cover designed for Held Captive. This is something I've been pondering off and on since I commissioned the cover for Prisoner at Heart, and now with Bound and Determined on her way (in, like, a year, but still) and with the possibility of a *whispers* hardcover edition...I think it's finally time.
THAT SAID, I want YOUR vote! Let me know in the comments if you think I should invest in a cover that fits with PAH's and, y'know, actually looks good!
Anyway, y'all enjoy the sale, leave your vote, tell your friends, drink a pumpkin spice latte, and have a WONDERFULRIFICAZING day!
#sixoclock #heldcaptive #onsale #free #readforfree #discount #newcover #bookcover #coverdesign #vote #shortstory #rinawantsanewface
Finished it! I loved itttt! Actually, I think I'd read this somewhere before and forgot this was it XD But now I had the chance to go review it, so that's good
I just got it!! I'll read it ASAP!!
Also, if you ever want a 'professional' cover, I've worked with about 30 published authors to help design their covers! And my covers go a bit beyond typical canva covers if you ever need anything specific :) Even if you don't end up using or liking it, we can still try it out
I just downloaded a copy of Six O'clock! Can't wait to read it tonight!!
I'm kinda attached to the current cover of Held Captive (is it weird to be attached to a cover??), but a new edition cover would also be really cool!
And a hardcover edition of BAD?? That would be amazing!!! Does KDP do hardcovers, or would you source that elsewhere?
I think a new cover would be a.w.e.s.o.m.e. :) I love what you did was Prisoner at Heart <3
Oooh, that's so exciting about Six O'Clock!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to read it!!!!!!! :D And a hardback for BAD?!?! Eeek, that's SUPER exciting!!!!!!!!
Personally, I really love the cover for Held Captive. But I want you to be happy with it, so you choose what you want to do. 🙂 ❤