We're doing something a little different today, folks! I'm sharing about a brand new children's book written by a friend of a friend, Kylie Beevers!
She's penned a lovely little book following the journey of a young fox...but, oh, don't let me bumble a summary! You can read about it below!
About the Book
Bramble is just your ordinary fox scrounging the forest floor with his Da, Mum, and kit brother before he is thrust snout first into the warrior life. For his whole life Bramble has known the LivingWood to be a safe, secure place. A place where he and his family live in peace with no threats. But one day Bramble encounters his Uncle, who he had no idea even existed, and now he’s got no choice but to trust his gut and blaze a trail into a battle he has to fight.
Wolves have besieged the borders. War seeks to devour them all. Will Bramble uphold his call? And what will it cost?
Before you head off to go check out Kylie's book, I recommend y'all moseyin' on over to her website and blog! You can learn more about her and read some glowing reviews for Rise of the LivingWood! Plus she's got some inspiring blog posts about life, God, and writing!
Do y'all still read children's books? (C'mon now, admit it. Even I like to skim through some of my old favorites!) Or do y'all have younger siblings, children, or nieces and nephews that you like to read to? What children's book will always be a beloved favorite of yours? (I have so many, but if I had to pick, it'd probably be Small Pig by Arnold Lobel! Oh, and Tell Me The Christmas Story by Joni Walker. And The Boxcar Children. And...y'know what? Never mind.)
Love the cover, it's so pretty! And I love children's books, especially MG (I actually write for that audience).
How funny, I have a character who refers to his parents as 'mum' and 'da'.
And you read the Boxcar Children?? Seriously, that was one of my childhood favorites! Who was your favorite character? I could never decide :)
Aww!! Wow, yeah, that cover is really creative. Sounds like a wonderful book!! (My favorites were the Boxcar Kids, Nancy Drew, Five Little Peppers series, Tom Swift, any Horatio Alger books, and The Rover Boys. So yeah, a lot, lol!!)
I love the cover on this one!
YES I READ KIDS BOOKS - mostly 'cause they're cleaner than YA these days. *groan*
This looks so interesting! I love stories about animals - definitely takes me back to my childhood. 🤣