So...I'm officially doing something crazy.
Like, crazier than usual.
I'm doing a serial. On here--my beloved blog. And although it may seem like I stole this idea from my good friend Emily (whose blog serials are awesome--you should totally check them out), I would advise you not to assume such. You might besmirch my reputation.
Anyway, it is a good idea. So I may or may not have commandeered it. Commandeered, mind you; not stole. It's a nautical term.
But back to the point...
I have been so pleased by the awesome feedback I've gotten on my first ever fantasy short story, The River, so I have decided to continue it! But, I've been so busy with BAD and all of the my other projects, and I have a long waiting list for books, so I knew it would be a while before anyone ever got to read anything even remotely related to The River...which prompted the idea of a serial.
So here we are!
Picking up right where we left off, I'll be writing eleven more installments (give or take) for y'all to enjoy! But before we jump right in, I want y'all to refresh your memory by reading The River, which you can do by clicking the cover below!
Drop by next week to read Part 2: The Conspiracy!

I just read the short story, and I LOVED IT SO MUCH!! Ahhhhh, heheheh...goodness! So awesome for a super short story!!! I've been dying to read this one for a while, so thanks for putting up a free pdf for us to read it! I'm so excited to read part 2!! Dear Next-Week, could you come sooner, please??
Eeekk, girl, this is SO exciting!!!!!!!!!! I am SO PUMPED to read the rest of this!!!!!!! *jumps up and down* *dances* *ignores the strange looks from my family* XDD (Also, I ADORE the cover!! *heart eyes*)