Y'all, March 23rd (also known as today) marks TWO YEARS since I first published Held Captive. You heard that right--two whole years! In honor of HC's bookiversary, I have a lot of things I want to share!
But, before we get started, I just want to put the list of HC posts out there, so that y'all can learn more about my debut novel, its journey, and how dear it is to me!
The Journey of Held Captive--Part 1. This post was written back when my blog was solely on Goodreads, sometime in June or July of 2020. I go through HC's "origin story," and what the original novel, The Lady Pirate, looked like.
The Journey of Held Captive--Part 2. The second installment in the series delves into the beginning of Held Captive--when I first started writing it and what changed from TLP.
The Journey of Held Captive--Part 3. Now this was the important post--all about why/how I chose self-publishing for my debut novel!
(There are also some fantastic excerpts--and some not-so-fantastic excerpts--in these posts you might want to check out!)
Name of the Week: Rina. Of course, my very first NotW was Rina! I talked about how I came up with the name and how it fits her so well, along with the meaning and origin of it, in this post!
Name of the Week: Xavier. I clearly stated in this post that it was a no-brainer for my next NotW to be Xavier! So here it is--the hows, whys, whens, wheres, and whats of the name of HC's hero!
Name of the Week: Maverick. Along with the origin of the name shared by Rina's uncle and her son, I give some backstory on how Captain Blackstone ended up with such an unconventional name!
Meet My MC Linkup. This fantabulous linkup afforded me all the time I needed to gush about Rina (more specifically, BAD-era Rina) and to showcase a ton of fun aesthetics for Rina and Xavier! (Plus, there are some more excerpts!)
If Rina Were a Disney Princess. This was definitely one of my favorite posts on February--chock full of aesthetics, quizzes, polls, and more! But one of the best parts was sharing some AMAZING drawings of Rina! You better check them out!

Speaking of drawings...I have some more fantastic fanart of Rina to share!

This illustration was done my mi amigo Daisy (who is also an AWESOME writer)! She even did the scar through her eye, which was just amazing!

And this one! Isn't this one just spectacular? Abigail (who you may remember from the fantastic guest post she did last month) drew this one for me--and y'all, isn't it amazing? I absolutely LOVE Rina's flowing hair--exactly how I imagine it when she lets it down!

So...I've been wanting to do a playlist for HC forever...but my list of songs is SO long that I've been procrastinating! Anyway, I finally got my act together and put the best of the best in a playlist!
Note: I actually created a written playlist of lyrics in a document way back, nearly three years ago, when I was writing HC. So, if I were to go back and entirely redo the playlist, there would be a lot of addition and subtraction going on! Still, the songs have always fit my characters and their story in some way! Are there any songs that remind you of Held Captive?
Also, you may notice that some of these songs are also on my BAD playlist--that would be because Rina and Keaton are so alike!
You may also noticed that I added a few Lifehouse songs at the end. *grins*
I would add commentary on these songs, but they're actually kind of obvious.

Now, by this point you're probably like "all right, Grace. We get it. You love your book. You've got tons of stuff you can share out it. Yadda, yadda, yadda. But that graphic up there says something about a sale, I want the dope on that." Okay, so y'all are probably not using any #ganstaslang, but the point remains the same.
Y'all want to know about the sale. I totally understand that. I'm the exact same way.
So, in honor of HC's second #bookiversary, I am making Held Captive available for FREE on Amazon for FIVE DAYS (March 24th through the 28th)!!! You have the chance to download my debut novel (complete with a cast list, which has been requested upon multiple occasions) for $0.00!!
Just click here (or the graphic below) to snag your copy! Speaking of graphics, feel free to share this promo graphic on social media to spread the word! Let freedom ring!

Now, the goodness doesn't stop there! I've got two more things for y'all--some super positive reviews of Held Captive (which make my heart soar) and some cut-outs and deleted scenes I've never shared before!

Not everything I wrote made it into Held Captive! Read a selection of deleted scenes and outtakes by clicking on the graphic below!

Well, I hope y'all enjoyed all of this HC awesomeness! Don't forget to snag your FREE copy of Held Captive from tomorrow until the 28th!

Congratulations on Held Captive's two-year anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🎉 Those drawings of Rina look FANTABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, funny story, I was reading your post and you started talking about a sale and I was like "sale? what sale?". Then you mentioned that your graphic had the word "sale". So I scrolled to the top and I realized that the graphic REALLY DID SAY "SALE". So, I have no idea how I missed that, but I thought my reaction was pretty funny.🤣🤣🤣 Anyways, WOO-HOO!!!!!!!! FREE BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😃😃😃 I've been wanting to read Held Captive for awhile now, so I'm SuPeR excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY TWO YEAR BOOKIVERSARY!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOO GRACE THAT IS SOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Also your playlists looks A-MAY-ZHING!!!!!!!!! My playlists *cough, cough* normally hit about sixty songs. *sheepish smile* And OH MY GOODNESS I ADORE the drawings!!!!!! Daisy and Abigail did an AWESOMEEE job. Annnd WHAT AN AWESOME SALE!!!!!!! I mean, you kinda can't beat that. ;) I'm SO SOO happy for you!!! *jumps up and down and showers you with chocolate and makes a cake and gives it to you even though it didn't turn out that great at all and realizes I'm now writing a run-on sentence*