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interview with bethany klassen

Writer: Grace A. JohnsonGrace A. Johnson

Updated: Nov 10, 2024

A month or two ago, Bethany Klassen approached me for an interview/spotlight here on the blog, and after an unexpected delay, I am so excited to finally share our interview! Bethany is the author of the Christian western novel Sins of the Past and its brand-new sequel, Tomorrow's Promise. She's on a mission to write action-packed his-fic that presents accurate and uplifting Biblical truths, and she's here to share all about it today!


Hello, Bethany, and welcome to Of Blades & Thorns! I am so excited to have you join us for an interview today! Before we get into it, do you mind telling our readers a little bit about yourself?

I’d love to! I’ll start with the bookish part, since that’s what we’re here for. :) I write Christian historical fiction with relatable characters, gripping action, and Bible truths. My stories are a part of me, and I feel passionate about creating clean, Christian fiction for readers of all ages. 

I am also a lover of all things coffee, horses, nature, and Mexican food. (Anyone else into those things? Let’s be friends!) I love hiking or riding my horse in the mountains near our home. There’s nothing like a good view to remind us of how small we are, and how great our God is!

When did you first begin writing? What inspired you?

I can’t say I had any sudden inspiration or life-altering moment when I realized I wanted to write. It’s just something I have always done. As a kid, I would staple several pages together to make a book, then write a story and do the illustration myself. Sometimes I would run out of page space and had to end the book very abruptly. (Definitely not my recommended writing style!)

How has your writing—your stories, style, etc.—changed over the years? Looking back, what have you learned since you began writing?

One of the things I’ve learned is to get feedback on my writing. Because I used to write only as a hobby, I never asked anyone for feedback on my books. When I started seriously working towards publishing a book, however, that changed. I had many people—family and friends—who read my work and shared their opinions, suggestions, and comments. They gave me wonderful feedback that helped me to develop a much higher quality of writing.  

You just released Tomorrow’s Promise, the sequel to your debut novel, Sins of the Past. Could you tell us about this series?

Of course! Let’s start with my first book. Sins of the Past was a unique book to write, and is a special story to me. Years ago I read a true account of a wild west outlaw who was accused of murdering a man. When the time came for his trial, his lawyer did such a good job fighting for him that he convinced the judge to release him, even though he was guilty. 

Intrigued by this story—even though the outcome wasn’t right—I began to wonder, what would happen if an outlaw wanted to turn his life around? A story began to form in my mind—a tale of wrongdoing, regret, and redemption. This eventually led to the Western novel of Matthew Ellison and his search for forgiveness. 

After publishing Sins of the Past, I moved on to write the rough draft of a completely different novel. However, readers kept asking if I was going to write a sequel to my first book. So, about half a year after its release, I returned to Sins of the Past and created a sequel for it.  

Tomorrow’s Promise continues Matthew’s story, but also introduces new characters, each with their own struggles and victories. Where Sins of the Past focuses on themes of forgiveness and redemption, Tomorrow’s Promise centers around the truth of the new beginning Christ offers. 

If there’s one thing you want to communicate to your readers, what is it? Why does your message matter?

It’s not my message that matters, but that of Jesus Christ. Through each of my books, I strive to bring out a clear gospel message. Gospel means “good news”. Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world, and offers eternal life to all who believe on Him. This important truth is what I want my readers to understand. 

Why do you write? What’s your mission or purpose as a writer?

Part of the reason I write is simply because I love it. There are stories in my head just begging to be let out—to be shared with others. Writing has long been a part of me. It’s a hobby. A joy. A channel through which I can express my feelings. 

Another reason I write is that I want other Christians to have good books to read. There are many talented writers of clean fiction, but it seems there aren’t enough. My desire is to provide clean fiction full of action and intrigue. 

How did you decide to self-publish your novels? What have you learned in the process?

My dad was the first in our family to hear about the option of self-publishing. He encouraged me toward it, and I decided to give it a try. 

Oh my! I have learned so much through the process of publishing my books! Where do I start?

I suppose what it all comes down to is, I have learned that determination goes a long way toward achieving one’s goals. I worked on a tight budget with both of my books, so I learned to do nearly everything myself from building a website to formatting my book to marketing. When you decide to stick with it, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish. 

Do you believe God called you to be a writer? If so, how did that become clear to you and how would you encourage other aspiring authors to pursue their callings from God?

God has called each of His children to spread the news of Jesus Christ. Mark 16:15 says, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” This is a great responsibility and one we ought to center our lives around as Christians. 

Though writing may not be my main calling, it is one small thing I can do to bring glory to God and spread the word of Jesus Christ. I am open to His leading, should the Lord direct me in another way. If we desire to be in God’s will, we must live a surrendered life and be willing to change our plans according to His.


What do you do when you’re not writing?

I love taking my horse Turbo out for a long, peaceful ride—or a fast, reckless one. I also enjoy hiking the mountain behind our yard, sitting around a bonfire with my family, or cooking up some new type of food (though I’m horrible at following the recipe). 

Finally, where can readers and fellow writers learn more about you and connect with you?

I would love to connect with other authors and readers! You can shoot me an email from my website, or join my mailing list. I’m also quite active on Instagram.

Thank you so much for joining me, Bethany! I appreciate you taking the time to share with us!

It was my pleasure! Thank you so much for the opportunity, Grace!


the book

Matthew Ellison thought he had left his life as a lawman far behind. But when tales surface of a killer on the loose near Albury, his experience and skill are once again put to the test. Can he earn back the townspeople’s trust while protecting those he has come to love?

Tucked out of sight on her father’s ranch, Hazel McKinney’s dreams of finding love seem to grow more distant every day. Then a chance encounter with a charming young preacher changes everything - tossing her between dreams of the future and the present stark reality. 

Nathan Royce traveled West years ago to join his uncle in the ministry. Dedicated to serving the townspeople of Albury, Texas, he tackles the job with all its challenges and heartache. Then one day Nathan runs into an intriguing young woman with a faith that matches his own. Can he protect her when danger threatens their newfound friendship and possibly even her life?

the author

Bethany Klassen has been writing stories ever since she learned to put words on paper. Her debut novel Sins of the Past is a Christian Western that explores themes of redemption and faith. Bethany's goal in writing is to entertain readers with action-packed books that portray Biblical truths. You'll find Bethany training horses in her backyard, drinking coffee by the gallons while she plots her next book, or sharing new projects with her readers on Instagram (@bethany_klassen_).

Have you read Sins of the Past or snagged your copy of Tomorrow's Promise yet? How are you fulfilling the call to go into all the world and preach the Gospel?


Molly McTernan
Dec 03, 2024

Such a good interview!

"It’s not my message that matters, but that of Jesus Christ."

^ That especially line stood out.


Stephanie Chittle
Oct 31, 2024

*pokes head out out of life's blizzard*

Congrats on the new book. And yes, following a recipe is hard....we can never have too much garlic.

*retreats back into life's blizzard*


Oct 30, 2024

Lovely interview, Grace and Bethany! I'm becoming more and more intrigued about the option of self publishing...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and about your interesting sounding novels, Bethany! Congrats on Tomorrow's Promise releasing and best wishes on future writing adventures! (Horses and Mexican food, yes!!! Also that is so so cool that you have your own horse :D :D )

Grace A. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson
Nov 10, 2024
Replying to

Thanks, Malana!! If you ever have any specific questions or things you'd like to know more about when it comes to self-publishing, let me know! :D


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