the author
Christian • authoress • publisher • romancer • reformer
If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m Grace (but my friends call me Gracie, so you’re welcome to adopt that too 😉)! I’m a homeschool graduate, certified marketing manager, and authoress—but that’s just the boring stuff.
I have been in love with books almost as long as I’ve been in love with God—and He unite those two passions when I was ten years old, inviting me to weave stories of love and redemption with Him.
In August 2017, He inspired an unexpected idea, something far different from my usual fare of fairytale retellings and Victorian-era romance: a book about

a female pirate captain.
Fast forward ten months later, and I turned my initial idea into my debut novel, Held Captive, which I self-published in March 2019. Since then, I’ve written two more epic pirate romances—Prisoner at Heart and Bound and Determined—as well as a companion novella, a couple short stories here and there, and a devotional called With Fear and Trembling.
I’m currently in the planning process of rewriting and republishing my first series, so you can read the first installment, the book that made me an author, for ✨free✨ until I complete the new and improved edition!
When I’m not writing (which is sadly more often than I’d like ðŸ˜), I’m probably reading, designing websites and graphics, baking bread, snapping photos of my books, rocking out to my favorite bands, or studying etymology (the study of words and their origins; not to be confused with entomology, the study of insects). Along with words and the worlds they create, I’m passionate about homemaking, biblical femininity, modesty, purity, holistic living, history, and art.
Apart from being an author, I’m also an editor, marketer, mentor, and publisher. My small Christian press, Sky’s the Limit Press, launches Fall 2023! Submissions are now open for our next anthology, and you can find our first collection, Tell Me You Love Me, on Amazon!
If you’re interested in learning more about me or my mission to inspire other young writers to reach for the sky, you can scour my blog posts, subscribe to my newsletter, follow me on Instagram @graceajohnsonauthor, or start a conversation by emailing me through the form on the homepage!

my creed

My creed isn't just what I believe; it's my promise to you. It's what I do. It's who I am.
You deserve to know what you’re getting into. I’m not a writer of half-baked themes, politically correct ideals, or diluted faith; and no matter the state of the world as I write this or as you read it, that will not change.
This is my statement of faith. My writer’s creed. My promise to you that I will always stand for what I believe in, completely unabashed.
I believe in Jehovah, the One and Only God Most High, Who created the heavens and the earth in a way and time He alone truly knows. I believe my God—Elohim—brought forth life from the void, light from the darkness, and called it good. He breathed His Spirit into mankind—male and female, each a reflection of His divine image—and gave them dominion over the earth and relationship with Him. And when man fell, He gave them redemption and restoration.
I believe in God’s Son, Yeshua Messiah, Who came to this earth, born of a virgin, to fulfill the will of His Father. To lay down His life, battered and broken, for the sake of His beloved. To dress His sullied bride in robes as pure as snow and bridge the gap between a desecrated earth and a righteous God.
I believe in Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, Who dwells within those who believe in Him, offering wisdom, guidance, and comfort. I believe in the power of His Spirit, to call dead men back to life, heal the sick, save the lost, and radically change lives.
And I am the image-bearer of the Creator, the bride of Christ, and the temple of the Spirit. He has called me to go into all nations, both by foot and by pen, to proclaim His good news. Even when it’s unpopular, or considered downright distasteful, I will write of His goodness and love. Even when it doesn’t sell, I will uphold His precepts. Even when readers turn up their noses, I will preach, authentically and genuinely, in every word I write.
So, yes, I am going to write about God, about people whose lives are changed by God. I am about to portray evil for what it is and not accept it for what it isn’t, no matter how much sugar you coat it in. I am going to include Scripture, the gifts of the Spirit, and the truth of God in my writing.
And I will not glorify sin. I will not write profane language or explicit sex scenes. I will not condone witchcraft and dark magic, homosexuality and transgenderism, evolution and other religions. I will not encourage abortion, fornication, or anything contrary to the Word of God.
Nor will I back down from honestly and authentically portraying this present darkness and the light that pierces through. I will not water down my faith or wrap the truths of life in glittery bows. I write authentic books, not accessible books—and that means they won’t be for everyone. Some people will be uncomfortable or even offended. Some simply won’t enjoy my style, subject matter, or themes. Some will call my stories preachy, my views hateful, or my content dirty or dangerous.
So be it.
In a world where Christians are ashamed to be called by His name, where Christian fiction is devoid of faith, where romance has been perverted, where people are hungry for something real but only receive the enemy’s substitute in both books and life, I stand for truth and for Christ’s unfathomable love. And I create with a kingdom in mind that’s far greater than any worldly empire: the Kingdom of God.
This is my creed, as a Christian and a writer.
If you have any questions regarding my personal/religious beliefs, or about the content/subject matter of my books, please feel free to contact me!